National 家庭中心 & 婚姻博天堂官方网站 (NCFMR)

The National 家庭中心 & 婚姻博天堂官方网站 (NCFMR) was established in 2007 to help improve our underst和ing of how family structure is linked to the health 和 well-being of children, 成年人, 家庭, 和 communities 和 to inform policy development 和 programmatic responses. 

This project is codirected by 温迪D. 曼宁 和 苏珊L. 棕色(的) with assistance from Bowling Green State University. Support was also provided by the U.S. Department of 健康 和 人类服务, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning 和 Evaluation from 2007 to 2013.

新闻 和博天堂官方


Dr. 苏珊L. 棕色(的)主任
Dr. 温迪D. 曼宁主任
Dr. Krista Westrick-Payne, Assistant Director
Bowling Green State University
俄亥俄州鲍灵格林 43403

Copyright ©2021 National 家庭中心 & 婚姻博天堂官方网站. 版权所有.

Disclaimer: This project is supported with assistance from Bowling Green State University. From 2007 to 2013, support was also provided by the U.S. Department of 健康 和 人类服务, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning 和 Evaluation. The opinions 和 conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s) 和 should not be construed as representing the opinions or policy of any agency of the state or federal government.

Updated: 03/20/2024 03:31PM